.. climdir documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Feb 9 18:51:01 2016. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. cfmeta - Climate and Forecast Metadata Processor ================================================ .. automodule:: cfmeta Basic Usage ----------- .. code-block:: python from cfmeta import Cmip5File cf5 = Cmip5File(cmor_fname = 'tas_Amon_HADCM3_decadal1990_r3i2p1.nc') cf5 # Cmip5File(ensemble_member = 'r3i2p1', model = 'HADCM3', experiment = 'decadal1990', mip_table = 'Amon', variable_name = 'tas') cf5.update(variable_name = 'pr') cf5.cmor_fname # 'pr_Amon_HADCM3_decadal1990_r3i2p1.nc' Convert to Cmip3 spec:: from cfmeta import Cmip3File cf3 = Cmip3File(**cf5.atts) cf3.fname # 'HADCM3-decadal1990-pr-r3i2p1.nc' Module Reference ---------------- * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`